Two Stars (Out of Five)

Okay, I’m officially embarrassed.  I had read so much great stuff about Josh Turner and his latest CD, I figured I’d check it out when I saw it at the local library.  What did I have to lose – borrowing it didn’t cost a thing. Well, I lost about an hour of precious listening time for starters, something I’ll never get back.

I have to agree – the guy’s got a good voice.  But it begins and ends right there.  The songwriting here is just awful.  The ballads are boring and syrupy, and the upbeat tunes aren’t much better (take a listen to “Eye Candy” – it will give you a stomachache).  If this is country, country is in big trouble.

Two stars is generous.  I’ll allow one for Josh Turner’s voice, and one for the commendable job the musicians do playing along to this mess.  Skip it.

– Mark Klemow